Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Paper Pumpkin and Free product

Best part about Paper Pumpkin currently, is that if you order a 3 month subscription not only do you get a discount but you also get free product from Sale-a-bration. AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!
Order 30 minutes of crafting pleasure today!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Paper Pumpkin

Have you seen my Facebook posts for the last couple of days?
I was attending a conference about my business with Stampin' Up! and while I was there I got to thinking (dangerous right, I know).  I was wondering how many of my friends actually know what Stampin' Up! is.  For me, it's my outlet and my hobby where I can get to create fun and wonderful projects.  I have recently started using a product called Paper Pumpkin and I thought (here I go again, thinking) this is a perfect way to learn what we are all about.  It arrives with everything I need except for me in a very cute orange box to my door monthly.  YAY!!! I love it! It's adorable and the projects you can make with it are endless, well that is until you've used up all the product in that months kit and then guess what? You get another kit in 30 days!  This is a monthly kit but there is no commitment.  You could enjoy the 30 mins of pure happiness this kit gives you every month or have prepaid subscription gifted to someone who you know could use 30 mins to themselves creating a very cute project and having fun.  So why not try it out for a month or two or forever?
Visit my page at paper pumpkin. It will ask for a demonstrator name don't worry it's me, Dawn Wunderle. And that's it, your on your way to pure enjoyment!