Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Bash Stampin' Up! 2013

We had a blast on Saturday!  I would say our summer bash was a big success thanks to all of you!  My up-line Andrea and my co-demo Heather made gorgeous display tables and make-n-takes!
All the things I love to do I got to do on Saturday, Stampin, chatting and making new friends! So much fun especially on a rainy day.
I can't wait for next years Summer Bash!
Enjoy the pictures!
                                            Heather at her Make-n-take table

                                            Candy Bar

My baby shower display table

Heathers birthday party display table

Other displays

My make-n-take table

More of my baby shower display table

Our great helpers!

Andrea's 25th Anniversary Display Table

Heathers Birthday Party display table

Heathers make-n-take table

More displays

Andrea at her make-n-take table

Close-up candy bar

Our first arrivals

Working the ordering table

Welcome sign

My first make-n-takers!  They were a lot of fun!

More make-n-takers at my table.