Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Soda Pop Top Lucky You MDS Pins St. Patricks Day

Since this month is my hostess month I thought I would do something special for the girls in one of the clubs I belong to.  I figured club this month is on a holiday month so what better then to do something for St. Patricks Day.  Ok now the question is what?  Dessert?  Everyone is on diets-won't be good. Hmmm drinks - SUI- stamping under the influence - might not be so good either.  How about something small and green that you can wear, incase they forget to wear there green?  A pin would be perfect!  Now do I have any stamp sets that are for St. Patty's day?  Nope but MDS does.  It is one of the new downloads from Feb. 26th.  Item number 133461 and it's only $7.95. Perfect i'm in!
Now I need something sturdy to glue the pin to.  Flatten Soda Pop Tops will work just fine.
Create in MDS, flatten pop tops, glue together and presto some of the cutest pins I have seen.  I'm probably just being partial, but hey I can do that! LOL!

CS - Whisper White
Basic Jewels
Soda Pop Tops
MDS - Lucky You
Ruffled Ribbon - Lucky Limeade
Hot Glue gun
Big Shot