Saturday, February 9, 2013

Melted Valentine Heart Crayons

Melted Valentine Heart Crayons
The kids and I saw this on Pinterest and we decided this would be part of our valentines instead of giving out chocolate.  Here is how we melted our crayons.
Pre-heat the oven to 250 degrees. While the oven is heating put your crayons into a bowl of warm water so that the paper of the crayons will peel off very easliy.

Next you will want to break up the crayons.  I tried a couple of different ways including letting the kids smash them with a hammer inside of a bag but in the end I preferred laying wax paper over a cutting board and then chopping them with a knife.  I made the pieces different sizes and we grouped them into color groups.  Lighter color for girls darker for boys.

We then put the pieces of crayons into the silicon molds that I found at Target in the $1 section.  These actually said they were for ice-cubes but I figured since they were silicon that they won't melt in the oven and they didn't.  It looks like I forgot to take a picture of this step but we just filled each one of the hearts up to the top with the broken up crayons.

Once the oven was heated to 250 I put the silicon trays onto a cookie sheet covered with wax paper (in case of spills) and placed in the oven for 15 mins. 

The wax melts in a fun, beautiful almost tie-die design.

After you take them out of the oven let them cool completely.  
Then after they are cooled pop them out of the silicon trays a there you have it.
Crayon Hearts.

This was a fun project for me and the kids to do together and can be done with any silicon form.